The Beautiful Captive, 12 inkjet prints on archival photo paper, 80 x 103 cm each.
Installation shot from The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.

The Wallpaper, wallpaper, glue, 250 x 315 cm.
Installation shot from The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.

The Wall, inkjet print on archival photo paper, 114 x 169 cm.
Installation shot from The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.

The Home Theater, marble, red velvet, mirror, glass, water, goldfish, bird of paradise flower.
Installation shot of The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.

A Structure for a Sunset View, aluminum, wood, mirrored glass, mobile phone, and video on loop.
Installation shot from The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.

Calm, velvet, leather, plywood, wood veneer, high-density sponge, monstera plant, sound piece (10min), mural, two etchings by Max Klinger, 2022.
Installation shot from Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, The Mosaic Rooms, London 2022.

Installation shot from Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, The Mosaic Rooms, London 2022.

Untitled (entrance), wallpaper, wood, framed giclee photo rag print 180cm x 135cm, handwritten sentence, 2022.
Installation shot from Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, The Mosaic Rooms, London 2022.

Untitled (entrance), wallpaper, wood, framed giclee photo rag print 180cm x 135cm, handwritten sentence, 2022.
Installation shot from Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, The Mosaic Rooms, London 2022.

For Those Who Can Not Sleep, Wood, leather, metal, carpet, bird of paradise leaves, brass, speaker, framed reproduction of A Glove–Anxieties by Max Klinger 1st ed. (pub. 1881) plate 7, looping soundtrack Kay’s Theme by David Julyan, 2021.

For Those Who Can Not Sleep, Wood, leather, metal, carpet, bird of paradise leaves, brass, speaker, framed reproduction of A Glove–Anxieties by Max Klinger 1st ed. (pub. 1881) plate 7, looping soundtrack Kay’s Theme by David Julyan, 2021.

Daybed, 2019. Natural leather, plywood, wood veneer, wall paint, text, high-density sponge, Monstera plant.

Fig. 1 Daybed (The Owner Series), 2019, Natural leather, wood, wood veneer, wall paint, text, high density sponge, Monstera plant.

Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.

Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.

Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.

Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.

Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.

Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.

Splashed Memory of a Night Out, a series of 20 digital images transformed into Black and White photographs developed in a dark room, 24 X 30cm each, 2010 - 2018.
Installation shot from Bonner Kunstverein.

Splashed Memory of a Night Out, 2010-2018, Digital images transformed into black and white photographs developed in a dark room, 24 x 30 cm.

Splashed Memory of a Night Out, 2010-2018, Digital images transformed into black and white photographs developed in a dark room, 24 x 30 cm.

Installation shot from A New Commission for an Old State.

Still Life (Notes on Justice) #1, 2016, Archival inkjet, mounted on aluminum, 100 x 67 cm, 2/3 + 2 AP

Still Life (Notes on Justice) #2, 2016, Archival inkjet, mounted on aluminum, 100 x 67 cm, 2/3 + 2 AP

Still Life (Notes on Justice) #3, 2016, Archival inkjet, mounted on aluminum, 100 x 67 cm, 2/3 + 2 AP.

Installation shot of A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down

Installation shot of A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down

A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort in Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP

A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort in Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP

A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort n Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP

A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort in Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP

A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort n Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP

Abstracted Commemoration of Unknown Things, 2016-18, Marble, Mosaic tiles, wood, plants

A Rare Glimpse of the Source, 2018, Four ink jet prints, 85 x 70 cm (each), 3 + 2 AP

Installation shot of A Rare Glimpse of the Source
Untitled (Go-go Dancing Platform) Speaks, 2016, white plinth with light bulbs, voice amplifiers, headphones and performer, 10 mins. Shown in Frieze Live, London.

Please Stay Blurry, 2013, Offset print, 100 x 70 cm giveaway poster, edition of 500, wooden rod installed close to the floor. Installation view, Nile Sunset Annex, Cairo, Egypt.

Please Stay Blurry, 2013 Giveaway poster, edition of 500; wooden rod installed close to the floor, 100 x 70 cm

Please Stay Blurry, 2013, Offset print, 100 x 70 cm giveaway poster, edition of 500, wooden rod installed close to the floor. Installation view, Nile Sunset Annex, Cairo, Egypt.

Do You Have Work Tomorrow, 2013, Series of 32 screen shots of a staged conversation on an iPhone transformed into Black and White photographs developed in a dark room.
Installation view, Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam, 2018. © Photo, Kristien Daem

Do You Have Work Tomorrow, 2013, Series of 32 screen shots of a staged conversation on an iPhone transformed into Black and White photographs developed in a dark room.
Installation view, Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam, 2018. © Photo, Kristien Daem

Do You Have Work Tomorrow, 2013, Series of 32 screen shots of a staged conversation on an iPhone transformed into Black and White photographs developed in a dark room.
Installation view, Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam, 2018. © Photo, Kristien Daem

Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 20 x 30 cm each, 2016.

Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper 20 x 30 cm, 2016.

Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper 20 x 30 cm, 2016.

Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 20 x 30 cm, 2016.

Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 20 x 30 cm, 2016.

A Memorial to Failure, 2013, HD video transferred to Blu-Ray. 19 min., color, sound. WATCH HERE

A Memorial to Failure, 2013, Engraved crystal plaque.

Proposal for a Romantic Sculpture, 2012, Video embedded in a sculpture. Video: 5 min. loop on iPod/iPhone, commissioned tattoo of song title ‘ne me quitte pas‘ by Jacques Brel. Sculpture: 29 x 29 x 100 cm, marble and wood.
Installation shot from I want you to know that I am hiding something from you, 2018.

Proposal for a Romantic Sculpture, 2012, Video embedded in a sculpture. Video: 5 min. loop on iPod/iPhone, commissioned tattoo of song title ‘ne me quitte pas‘ by Jacques Brel. Sculpture: 29 x 29 x 100 cm, marble and wood.
Installation shot from I want you to know that I am hiding something from you, 2018.

Proposal for a Romantic Sculpture, 2012, Video embedded in a sculpture. Video: 5 min. loop on iPod/iPhone, commissioned tattoo of song title ‘ne me quitte pas‘ by Jacques Brel. Sculpture: 29 x 29 x 100 cm, marble and wood. WATCH HERE

At Five in the Afternoon, 2012, 6 min. looped digital video with sound. WATCH HERE

Untitled (Dream), 2012, Inkjet print, 100 x 150cm; Two glass sheets, 110 x160 cm (thickness: 4mm and 6mm); Wooden shelf, 5 x 5 x 165 cm; Hand written sentence by the artist on surface of front sheet of glass.

Google Me / Duplicate Self-portrait, 2010, two framed photographs (105 x 75 x 7 cm each), digital collage. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt.

Google Me / Duplicate Self-portrait, 2010, two framed photographs (105 x 75 x 7 cm each), digital collage.

Google Me / Duplicate Self-portrait, 2010, two framed photographs (105 x 75 x 7 cm each), digital collage.

The Studio as a Work of Art, 2010, 200 stacked blank canvases. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt.

CAMARADERIE, 2009, HD video 10 min. 30 sec., color, sound, loop using found videos and texts on YouTube. WATCH HERE.

Safety Zoom, 2008-09, video installation 7 min. 13 sec., wall paint, wallpaper, life jackets, painted plywood, photographic paper collage. DV - color, sound, loop. Installation view, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany. WATCH HERE

This Show Is My Business, 2008, HD video, 15 min. 50 sec, color, sound, loop. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt. WATCH HERE

As if you weren't in your own Home, 2008, 176 images and 18 typed-out statements,15 x 10 cm each. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt.

As if you weren't in your own Home, 2008, 176 images and 18 typed-out statements,15 x 10 cm each. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt.

As if you weren't in your own Home, 2008, 176 images and 18 typed-out statements,15 x 10 cm each.

As if you weren't in your own Home, 2008, 176 images and 18 typed-out statements,15 x 10 cm each.

MKMAEL Stories, 2007, Book project. Installation view, MAKAN, Amman, Jordan.

MKMAEL Stories, 2007, Book project. Installation view, MAKAN, Amman, Jordan.

Painter on a Study Trip (Detail), 2014, C-print, 100 x 70 cm. Edition 5 +1 A/P

Painter on a Study Trip (Detail), 2014, C-print, 100 x 70 cm. Edition 5 +1 A/P

Painter on a Study Trip (Detail), 2014, C-print, 100 x 70 cm. Edition 5 +1 A/P
Painter on a Study Trip (Process), 2014, C-print, 100 x 70 cm. Edition 3 +1 A/P. Installation shot.

Mahmoud Khaled, Painter on a Study Trip, 2014. Installation views of exhibition at Gypsum Gallery.
Mahmoud Khaled, Painter on a Study Trip, 2014. Installation views of exhibition at Gypsum Gallery.
Mahmoud Khaled, Painter on a Study Trip, 2014. Installation views of exhibition at Gypsum Gallery.

Mahmoud Khaled, Painter on a Study Trip, 2014. Installation views of exhibition at Gypsum Gallery.

Thinking Man in a Zoo, 2017, Archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 72 x 52 cm.

Lonely Man and a Running River, Zurich, 2017, Archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 53 x 38 cm.

A Painting of Home with a Double Frame, 2017, Framed archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 29 x 24 cm.

Dante and Virgil as a back tattoo in the shower, 2017, Framed archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 90 x 70 cm.

Dante and Virgil as a back tattoo in the shower, 2017, Framed archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 90 x 70 cm.

Perfect Lovers (Alexandria), 2017, Framed archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 34 x 26 cm.

The Beautiful Captive, 12 inkjet prints on archival photo paper, 80 x 103 cm each.
Installation shot from The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.
The Wallpaper, wallpaper, glue, 250 x 315 cm.
Installation shot from The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.
The Wall, inkjet print on archival photo paper, 114 x 169 cm.
Installation shot from The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.
The Home Theater, marble, red velvet, mirror, glass, water, goldfish, bird of paradise flower.
Installation shot of The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.
A Structure for a Sunset View, aluminum, wood, mirrored glass, mobile phone, and video on loop.
Installation shot from The Beautiful Captive, Gypsum, 2023.
Calm, velvet, leather, plywood, wood veneer, high-density sponge, monstera plant, sound piece (10min), mural, two etchings by Max Klinger, 2022.
Installation shot from Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, The Mosaic Rooms, London 2022.
Installation shot from Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, The Mosaic Rooms, London 2022.
Untitled (entrance), wallpaper, wood, framed giclee photo rag print 180cm x 135cm, handwritten sentence, 2022.
Installation shot from Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, The Mosaic Rooms, London 2022.
Untitled (entrance), wallpaper, wood, framed giclee photo rag print 180cm x 135cm, handwritten sentence, 2022.
Installation shot from Fantasies on a Found Phone, Dedicated to the Man Who Lost it, The Mosaic Rooms, London 2022.
For Those Who Can Not Sleep, Wood, leather, metal, carpet, bird of paradise leaves, brass, speaker, framed reproduction of A Glove–Anxieties by Max Klinger 1st ed. (pub. 1881) plate 7, looping soundtrack Kay’s Theme by David Julyan, 2021.
For Those Who Can Not Sleep, Wood, leather, metal, carpet, bird of paradise leaves, brass, speaker, framed reproduction of A Glove–Anxieties by Max Klinger 1st ed. (pub. 1881) plate 7, looping soundtrack Kay’s Theme by David Julyan, 2021.
Daybed, 2019. Natural leather, plywood, wood veneer, wall paint, text, high-density sponge, Monstera plant.
Fig. 1 Daybed (The Owner Series), 2019, Natural leather, wood, wood veneer, wall paint, text, high density sponge, Monstera plant.
Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.
Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.
Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.
Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.
Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.
Proposal For a House Museum For an Unknown Crying Man, 2017.
Splashed Memory of a Night Out, a series of 20 digital images transformed into Black and White photographs developed in a dark room, 24 X 30cm each, 2010 - 2018.
Installation shot from Bonner Kunstverein.
Splashed Memory of a Night Out, 2010-2018, Digital images transformed into black and white photographs developed in a dark room, 24 x 30 cm.
Splashed Memory of a Night Out, 2010-2018, Digital images transformed into black and white photographs developed in a dark room, 24 x 30 cm.
Installation shot from A New Commission for an Old State.
Still Life (Notes on Justice) #1, 2016, Archival inkjet, mounted on aluminum, 100 x 67 cm, 2/3 + 2 AP
Still Life (Notes on Justice) #2, 2016, Archival inkjet, mounted on aluminum, 100 x 67 cm, 2/3 + 2 AP
Still Life (Notes on Justice) #3, 2016, Archival inkjet, mounted on aluminum, 100 x 67 cm, 2/3 + 2 AP.
Installation shot of A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down
Installation shot of A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down
A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort in Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP
A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort in Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP
A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort n Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP
A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort in Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP
A Rare Glimpse into the Recent Moments When People Lived in a World Turned Upside Down, 2016-18, Photographic plates, captured by the artist in the Maamoura summer resort n Alexandria, Egypt, between 2014 and 2016, 100 x 70 cm, 5 + 2 AP
Abstracted Commemoration of Unknown Things, 2016-18, Marble, Mosaic tiles, wood, plants
A Rare Glimpse of the Source, 2018, Four ink jet prints, 85 x 70 cm (each), 3 + 2 AP
Installation shot of A Rare Glimpse of the Source
Untitled (Go-go Dancing Platform) Speaks, 2016, white plinth with light bulbs, voice amplifiers, headphones and performer, 10 mins. Shown in Frieze Live, London.
Please Stay Blurry, 2013, Offset print, 100 x 70 cm giveaway poster, edition of 500, wooden rod installed close to the floor. Installation view, Nile Sunset Annex, Cairo, Egypt.
Please Stay Blurry, 2013 Giveaway poster, edition of 500; wooden rod installed close to the floor, 100 x 70 cm
Please Stay Blurry, 2013, Offset print, 100 x 70 cm giveaway poster, edition of 500, wooden rod installed close to the floor. Installation view, Nile Sunset Annex, Cairo, Egypt.
Do You Have Work Tomorrow, 2013, Series of 32 screen shots of a staged conversation on an iPhone transformed into Black and White photographs developed in a dark room.
Installation view, Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam, 2018. © Photo, Kristien Daem
Do You Have Work Tomorrow, 2013, Series of 32 screen shots of a staged conversation on an iPhone transformed into Black and White photographs developed in a dark room.
Installation view, Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam, 2018. © Photo, Kristien Daem
Do You Have Work Tomorrow, 2013, Series of 32 screen shots of a staged conversation on an iPhone transformed into Black and White photographs developed in a dark room.
Installation view, Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam, 2018. © Photo, Kristien Daem
Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 20 x 30 cm each, 2016.
Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper 20 x 30 cm, 2016.
Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper 20 x 30 cm, 2016.
Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 20 x 30 cm, 2016.
Destruction of a Plastic Space, archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 20 x 30 cm, 2016.
A Memorial to Failure, 2013, HD video transferred to Blu-Ray. 19 min., color, sound. WATCH HERE
A Memorial to Failure, 2013, Engraved crystal plaque.
Proposal for a Romantic Sculpture, 2012, Video embedded in a sculpture. Video: 5 min. loop on iPod/iPhone, commissioned tattoo of song title ‘ne me quitte pas‘ by Jacques Brel. Sculpture: 29 x 29 x 100 cm, marble and wood.
Installation shot from I want you to know that I am hiding something from you, 2018.
Proposal for a Romantic Sculpture, 2012, Video embedded in a sculpture. Video: 5 min. loop on iPod/iPhone, commissioned tattoo of song title ‘ne me quitte pas‘ by Jacques Brel. Sculpture: 29 x 29 x 100 cm, marble and wood.
Installation shot from I want you to know that I am hiding something from you, 2018.
Proposal for a Romantic Sculpture, 2012, Video embedded in a sculpture. Video: 5 min. loop on iPod/iPhone, commissioned tattoo of song title ‘ne me quitte pas‘ by Jacques Brel. Sculpture: 29 x 29 x 100 cm, marble and wood. WATCH HERE
At Five in the Afternoon, 2012, 6 min. looped digital video with sound. WATCH HERE
Untitled (Dream), 2012, Inkjet print, 100 x 150cm; Two glass sheets, 110 x160 cm (thickness: 4mm and 6mm); Wooden shelf, 5 x 5 x 165 cm; Hand written sentence by the artist on surface of front sheet of glass.
Google Me / Duplicate Self-portrait, 2010, two framed photographs (105 x 75 x 7 cm each), digital collage. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt.
Google Me / Duplicate Self-portrait, 2010, two framed photographs (105 x 75 x 7 cm each), digital collage.
Google Me / Duplicate Self-portrait, 2010, two framed photographs (105 x 75 x 7 cm each), digital collage.
The Studio as a Work of Art, 2010, 200 stacked blank canvases. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt.
CAMARADERIE, 2009, HD video 10 min. 30 sec., color, sound, loop using found videos and texts on YouTube. WATCH HERE.
Safety Zoom, 2008-09, video installation 7 min. 13 sec., wall paint, wallpaper, life jackets, painted plywood, photographic paper collage. DV - color, sound, loop. Installation view, Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany. WATCH HERE
This Show Is My Business, 2008, HD video, 15 min. 50 sec, color, sound, loop. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt. WATCH HERE
As if you weren't in your own Home, 2008, 176 images and 18 typed-out statements,15 x 10 cm each. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt.
As if you weren't in your own Home, 2008, 176 images and 18 typed-out statements,15 x 10 cm each. Installation view, CiC, Cairo, Egypt.
As if you weren't in your own Home, 2008, 176 images and 18 typed-out statements,15 x 10 cm each.
As if you weren't in your own Home, 2008, 176 images and 18 typed-out statements,15 x 10 cm each.
MKMAEL Stories, 2007, Book project. Installation view, MAKAN, Amman, Jordan.
MKMAEL Stories, 2007, Book project. Installation view, MAKAN, Amman, Jordan.
Painter on a Study Trip (Detail), 2014, C-print, 100 x 70 cm. Edition 5 +1 A/P
Painter on a Study Trip (Detail), 2014, C-print, 100 x 70 cm. Edition 5 +1 A/P
Painter on a Study Trip (Detail), 2014, C-print, 100 x 70 cm. Edition 5 +1 A/P
Painter on a Study Trip (Process), 2014, C-print, 100 x 70 cm. Edition 3 +1 A/P. Installation shot.
Mahmoud Khaled, Painter on a Study Trip, 2014. Installation views of exhibition at Gypsum Gallery.
Mahmoud Khaled, Painter on a Study Trip, 2014. Installation views of exhibition at Gypsum Gallery.
Mahmoud Khaled, Painter on a Study Trip, 2014. Installation views of exhibition at Gypsum Gallery.
Mahmoud Khaled, Painter on a Study Trip, 2014. Installation views of exhibition at Gypsum Gallery.
Thinking Man in a Zoo, 2017, Archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 72 x 52 cm.
Lonely Man and a Running River, Zurich, 2017, Archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 53 x 38 cm.
A Painting of Home with a Double Frame, 2017, Framed archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 29 x 24 cm.
Dante and Virgil as a back tattoo in the shower, 2017, Framed archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 90 x 70 cm.
Dante and Virgil as a back tattoo in the shower, 2017, Framed archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 90 x 70 cm.
Perfect Lovers (Alexandria), 2017, Framed archival inkjet print on fine art paper, 34 x 26 cm.